Lower, Middle & Upper School Spring Concert featuring Evening of the Arts

Monday, May 20th is the Evening of the Arts and our 3rd-12th grade Spring Concert. This concert is a celebration of all music learning done in music class and band for the Spring Semester. The Lower School portion of the concert will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the CPC.
Performers should arrive between 5:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. to warm up. When Lower School Performers are finished, we encourage you to walk around the school to see the beautiful artwork created in art classes throughout the year. This performance will feature third grade recorder players, fourth grade band, fifth grade band, and music class performances for third-fifth graders. Fourth and fifth grade students can wear their AC Music Shirt with khaki or navy bottoms, and third grade students can wear any Allendale Columbia top (or uniform top) with khaki or navy bottoms. 
At Allendale Columbia, we prepare students for the world they will inherit. In our trusting and responsive environment, students in nursery through grade 12 grow in confidence and develop scholastic independence.